Thursday, October 17, 2013

Week 3 EOC: My Demographics

"Delaying Adulthood For many members of this group, this has meant difficulty landing their first job or being underemployed. Only 48.8 percent of 16- to 24-year-olds were employed between April and July (the peak time in youth employment) in 2011, the smallest share since the government started recording data in 1948, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. - Destinationcrm Though this may be true, it is not because Gen Y is lazy or that we are trying to "delay adulthood" it's simply because we're affected by the recent recession and weak economy. Something that the generation before us caused."The Facebook Generation The first generation to grow up with the Internet and mobile devices, Gen Y is also the first generation to consider behaviors like tweeting and texting, along with using Facebook, Google, Wikipedia, and YouTube, not as novel ideas, but as normal aspects of their social lives and their search for information." - Destinationcrm Yes I do believe in this statement, I really don't know anyone around my age or older who don't use any of these behaviors, it really seem like a life style that Gen Y will not give up so easily.
"Looking for Inspiration As we saw in their overwhelming support for Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election, Gen Y is passionate about politics and the concept of improving the world. "Gen Y loves companies that aren't just about selling, that are also making a difference," Hassler says, naming Tom's Shoes, a company that donates a pair of shoes to a child for every pair that's purchased, as an example. "Companies should also ask themselves, 'How can our brand service them, help them?' Consumers like spending money on something that has meaning, and they'll share it with their friends." - Destinationcrm
 I believe Gen Y is looking for change and making a difference and wants to change the world, preserve what’s left of it. Gen Y believes in self-expression more than self-control and that respect must be earned and not given based on age, authority or title. Though our generation maybe called lazy and entitled, just remember it wasn't Gen Y who shut down the government just because a bunch of old people in congress couldn't come to an agreement.

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